As All Hallow’s Eve approaches (that’s Halloween to you and me), the entire metroplex is gearing up for a scarefest. Of course, the big grocery and department stores have been ready since, oh, July. The local towns and cities haven’t taken it to that extreme yet, quite, but they’re usually in gear by mid to late September. It seems that I’m the late one, because I’ve waited until just over three weeks from the event to concern myself with this particular harvest festival.
Oh well — at least I’m on it! And there’s a lot to be on, too — not the least of which is the great Dallas Farmer’s Market Annual Pumpkin Party on October 18, where you can enjoy refreshments, music, and, yes, pumpkins at excellent prices. Similarly, the Great Pumpkin Festival will be taking place at the Dallas Arboretum through November 15. And there are the many small events everywhere, often associated with churches; one such is the Wylie United Methodist Church Fall Fest and Pumpkin Patch, where the family can enjoy food, shopping, bouncy houses, and even pumpkins straight from a real pumpkin patch.
Individual cities are also putting on their own shindigs; a good example is Farmer’s Branch, which is hosting its annual Halloween in the Park for free on the evening of October 25, at Farmer’s Branch Historical Park on (where else?) Farmer’s Branch Lane. On Halloween itself, the city of Plano is offering its yearly Kid’s Night Out at Plano Market Square Mall from 8-10 PM. This offers the kiddies a safe alternative to traditional trick-or-treating, where they can beg for candy, play games, win prizes, and hang out in a family-friendly environment. Similar small events are going on all over the metroplex, so if you’re planning to be in a particular city during the week or so prior to October 31, plug the name of the city into the Interweb and see what’s goin’ on.
I have, of course, saved the haunted houses for last, because they’re the absolute apex of Halloween events here in the Metroplex. Probably the best exhibition of Halloween horror is taking place in Waxahachie — in the same location, if I’m not mistaken, as Scarborough Faire. I speak, of course, of Screams, that superlative collection of five (count ’em, five) haunted houses all in a row. Screams, which open 7:30 PM-1:30 AM every Friday and Saturday night from now until All Hallows Day (November 1), plus Thursday the 30th, bills itself as the World’s Largest Halloween Theme Park, and it probably is. Now, Waxahachie’s a bit far from most of the Metroplex, especially if you’re coming from Dallas’ but like Scarborough Faire, the event is so enormous and cool that it’s something you should definitely see if you can. It’s certainly worth going out of your way for, if horror is your thing and you don’t mind paying $22 a ticket (plus $15 if you want a Fast Pass, which lets you step to the head of the lines).
There are many, many haunted houses in the Metroplex this year. I won’t try to list them all here — there are literally dozens — but besides Screams you should definitely consider the Hangman’s House of Horrors in Fort Worth; the Texas Scaregrounds in Kennedale (four big events); Thrillvania Thrill Park in Terrell; and, of course, Fright Fest at Six Flags in Arlington. If you want to be scared silly, here’s your chance!
Halloween is near and I just wanted to ad my idea for a costume. My wife and I usually masquerade in couples costumes on Halloween. I can think of 100’s of popular costume ideas for couples this Halloween and the number one on my list of ideas for this year is President Obama and his beautiful wife Michelle.
Yes.. you can look like the President and First Lady of the United States for an evening at very little cost.
To go as Obama you don’t need an expensive store bought costume just a life like Obama face mask you can get on the internet. Add your favorite coat and tie, put your main squeeze in a Michelle Obama mask, clothe her in a off-the shelf sleeveless shift dress and bingo, our first couple for the night.
Oh bye the way your lady might want to add some bright jewel tones on the ears or around the neck for affect.
Remember as with any President and First Lady they have both fans and critics. So be careful.
Think about your costume early and have a happy Halloween!
Bonnie and Clyde is another classic costume thats readily available to buy and easy to make. It can be made to look pretty sexy as well if you want it to!
Happy Halloween 2009 people!
I’ve often preferred to go as a vampire couple. A male costume which looks dashing, mysterious and scary while the female costume (mine!) can be scary but still sexy!
I think a real great idea is a zombie couple. Or living dead bride and groom. Another one i’m seeing a lot more is zombie prom dates. Hey even the “undead” falls in love, lol. This way you can still be a little scary but keep it as a couple.
Zombie couples are a great way to enjoy the Halloween festivities. As Jeff says, Zombie Bride and Groom couples are hot and easy to make, just visit the used clothing store or raid your closet for the old bridal outfits, add some makeup and fake blood, and you’re off to your next haunting occasion.
The choice of costumes this Halloween is mind blowing but when you want a couples costume it takes a bit more thought. Why not dress up as the scary but sexy Vampire and a Vampira or the wholesome Fred & Wilma Flintstone this year? For the young kids Transformers are proving very popular, for the girls too! Halloween is a fantastic holiday so have a good time what ever your costume turns out to be!
Sure looks like you really have it going on in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I agree that the haunted houses and mazes are the best. We have one in Virginia that really raises a lot for charity ever year. Thanks for the Do follow!
Dressing up at Halloween can be great fun for everyone. With hundreds of wonderful costumes to choose from it can be difficult to decide what to wear.
It can be great fun going out on Halloween with friends and family as a group, all wearing costumes that are in the same theme. The choice is endless. What ever you decide to wear I hope you have a lot of fun!
whoooa – lots of Halloween costume comments giong on here! I guess as it is now only a month out from Halloween things are starting to heat up with so many people deciding on their costumes.
Never too early to get into the Halloween spirit. Its mid September and i’m seeing costumes already hitting the store shelves. I love it!! Can’t wait for the haunted houses…
Never too early to get into the Halloween spirit. Its mid September and i’m seeing costumes already hitting the store shelves. I love it!! Can’t wait for the haunted houses…
My Favorite Haunted House is the Boneyard Haunted House in Arlington. Can’t wait for Halloween this year. always my favorite holiday
Halloween is approaching fast as is Christmas! The stores are already stocking some Christmas candy but the kids won’t care how it is wrapped as long as it tastes nice!
Halloween is just around the corner Save money this year with Haunted House coupons sent to your cell phone. text “Haunted” to “313131” for $3.00 off code
It’s hard to believe that it is almost October! Where did the year go? I love Halloween. Don’t forget that costume makers are doing a lot more for plus size people these days. And plus size couples!
I’ve lived in the Dallas area most of my life and have never been to the Dallas Arboretum, but I love Autumn and I think we might try to make it to the Great Pumpkin Festival this year.
Halloween is absolutely one of the best times of the year. I don’t know if I enjoyed it more as a kid or more now as an adult. I look forward to it more and more every year. The costumes that are available now for plus size people are fabulous and being able to go as a couple in matching or complementing costumes is so much fun. And you’re right, the pumpkin festivals and the haunted houses are great.
Wow halloween is over. I am sure a lot of kids really had a ball this halloween in 2009. Costume makers are really coming up with some costume styles which are very nice Fairy Costumes for your little is the best I can think of. Happy Halloween everyone.
I was wondering if ya’ll have any fun, festive or relaxing Halloween or Fall ideas. I really want to enjoy this season
This year i missed it ,from one source i came to know that it was fantastic so i want to make it this time. So can you tell me in this year when it is falling.
It looks great for couples to dress up in partner costumes. My husband and I plan to dress up as the butterfly and butterfly catcher.
Going out as couples for halloween is sooo much more fun. If you both follow the same theme it looks even better.
This Halloween season visit one of DFW’s Top Rated Haunted Houses!
Moxley Manor is open from September 16 – October 31, 2011! We are centrally located in the heart of the Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex. Last year our haunted house was voted 4 out 5 “Pee your pants scary!” and this year is even more terrifying! For more details or to purchase tickets for Moxley Manor Haunted House, visit
Moxley Manor Haunted House is benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.