Hey folks! Thanks for your Skribit suggestions so far. I’ve already attended two of the events you’ve suggested, the Addison Oktoberfest and Chuy’s Green Chile Fest, and I’m itching to write about both. First, though, I’ve got to finish my two-part Grapefest Saga, the second entry of which is coming up later today. Meanwhile, I’ve posted the first eight months of the Events Calendar for 2009; it’s pretty hefty this year, so be sure to check it out. I’m sure I’ll have more to add for January-August as things get settled, and I know there’s a lot to come from September-December, but things are so up in the air that far ahead that it’s hard to say what’s what right now. Be sure to check back regularly! And don’t forget — the 2008 Events Calendar is still being updated regularly.
The Texas Clown Convention 2009, sponsored by Arlington’s Happi Tymes Clown Alley will be August 5-9 at the Sterling Hotel, 1550 Regal Row, Dallas. The annual conventions teach beginning and professional clowns skills in clowning. The public is welcome to view at, no cost, all of our competitions in skits and performance categories.
Hi Earl,
Thanks for letting me know about this one! I’ll put it on the calendar.